'Mates-Rates Rent-A-Car'
A fictional console app to facilitate the management of a fleet of vehicles, customers and rentals for a rental car company. Uses Dijkstra's algorithm to facilitate converting user search queries to Reverse Polish Notation to enable more advanced query expressions.
Tool Library
Another invented console app, the purpose of this program was to critically analyse the implementation of a sorting algorithm. The scenario was that of a community tool library management system. In this case, a Heap Sort algorithm was used for displaying the top 3 most frequently borrowed tools.
Volcanoes React App
A React app written to interface with the Volcanoes API. Built with React, Ag-Grid, Chart.js and React Bootstrap. Note - The Volcanoes API below is v2.0 and contains additional endpoints not provided for this app.
Volcanoes API
A REST API Node express app performing CRUD operations on a MySQL database. Communicates via POST, PUT and GET requests in JSON. Returns data on Earth's ~1,300 volcanoes as given by The Smithsonian. Issues JWT's to authenticated users and exposes additional data when a valid JWT is included in the GET request.
Built using the Python Flask library, this fictitious web app is a demonstration of dynamically generating web pages using server-side logic. The web app also leans on Twitter Bootstrap to be responsive across multiple viewports.
Maze Generator
A Java app written for a fabricated client to generate solvable mazes for publication.
Social Distancing Device
A minimum viable product for a social distancing monitor. Software written in vanilla C runs on the microprocessor and interfaces with a variety of lights and sensors. The entire system is emulated at TinkerCAD at the link. Note - though Arduino hardware is emulated, the Arduino software library was not used.